By Anonymous - 14/04/2014 10:12 - Malta - Qormi

Today, after a dental appointment, my lips were numb. On the bus on my way back home, the cutest girl smiled at me. In attempt to smile back, I forgot my lips were numb and ended up spitting my chewing gum at her. I had to switch buses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 166
You deserved it 5 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were chewing gum with numb lips? Really?? You should do what I do after getting lidocaine injected in my mouth - Mumble incoherently and drool like an idiot.

Well at least you'll never see her again..


People who chew gum look disgusting already. You most probably had turned her off before you spat at her.

I don't really understand why you didn't apologise to her, OP. Personally I'm quite socially awkward so would find it hard to start talking to someone but I wouldn't have thought excusing yourself would be that hard. A little rude not to, no? And an explanation would be a cool icebreaker.

Attacksloth 33
Badkarma4u 17

Unless your method of smiling drastically differs from mine, I'm going to call shenanigans on this one.

Chewing gum after a dental appointment? This just screams fake to me

Why on earth were you chewing gum after a dental appointment? I had to have a deep cleaning last year, and after they did my lower teeth, I couldn't think of eating or drinking, much less chewing gum. It felt weird enough trying to drink water after the half hour was up. (After I had my upper teeth done, I wasn't nearly as miserable.) And after I had a tooth extracted in the summer, I was on a soft foods diet for a week and had zero appetite. I couldn't imagine chewing anything.

Do you wanna know how I got these scars?

Yeah, that's one way of spitting game at her.