By SummerTime98 - 27/10/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, a man came up to me asking for my name. Thinking he was trying to hit on me, I rudely gave him a fake name. He thanked me and walked away. I continued to watch him leaving until I saw him ask another woman for her name and took out a wallet and showed it to her. It was my lost wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 845
You deserved it 64 705

Top comments

YDI for thinking every guy coming up to ya is gonna hit on ya


Not all guys are hitting on you. Learn the difference.

SummerTime98 0

No I'm not like that everyday, but he pretty much looked like all the other guys who did the same thing before. I was afraid he'd search me up on facebook or stalk me or something when he knew my name, so i decided to give him a fake one if I'm never gonna see him again. Honestly, YOU must've had the same experience at least once in your life. I've had it many times and I stopped giving out my name to people who look suspicious or people I don't know. much as I understand the situation, my first reaction would be "why?" just to make sure the guy wasn't being misunderstood. Never jump to conclusions. Not every guy is hitting on a girl when he asks for her name. There are other possible reason =__= I would get suspicious, but I'd ask. Whatever, if you didn't get your wallet back, it's not that guy's fault, it's your fault. No point in hating or laughing at you cause this world's full of idiots.

You're obvious an ugly, stuck-up bitch. I hope I see another FML from you stating that a semi hit you.

I've done the fake name thing before, why is it considered heinously bitchy?

Yarrachel 16

I think it's kind of the guy's fault. Why didn't he just call out "Is Jane Smith here?" instead of going around and asking every single woman what her name was?

I don't see whats so rude about this :L What's wrong with being cautious, if some random guy comes up and asks my name I wouldn't tell him, and you can't really think up a reason not to give it him on the spot so a fake name is like the best alternative

Or you could just ask why he wanted your name... or is that too simple?

If you didn't want him knowing your full name, you could have just told him your first name. If he continues and asks you if you are [first name] [last name], than you know there's a good reason why he's asking and why he knows your name.

Le_Pecheur 0

I hope someone else got your wallet instead because of this. He asked for a name, not a phone number or any other way to contact you.