By SummerTime98 - 27/10/2009 05:44 - Canada

Today, a man came up to me asking for my name. Thinking he was trying to hit on me, I rudely gave him a fake name. He thanked me and walked away. I continued to watch him leaving until I saw him ask another woman for her name and took out a wallet and showed it to her. It was my lost wallet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 844
You deserved it 64 705

Top comments

YDI for thinking every guy coming up to ya is gonna hit on ya


This site... (mind me asking what fml stands for..) It is like a rip off MLIA. I'm not sure who made it first but MLIA have certainly done it better. These sound a little more real, mlia is a little more sort of quirky and funny. Ah well :)

FML came first. MLIA used to be funnier. They're both supposed to be true, but sadly not really anymore. People who post on here end up trying to be super-depressing, while people who post on MLIA tend to be super-funny. Look at some of the earliest posts on MLIA. They were extremely boring, almost inane stories, but that's because they were AVERAGE. That site was made to satire this site, with its outrageous stories, and MLIA would be funny because they were being anti-climactic. I'm sorry I went into this huge thing, It's something I've wanted to say for a while. OP: That sucks.

Thanks for helping. I just prefer MLIA. But what does fml stand for.... Just something about mlia is a bit more erm,,,, I can't really describe it. You all sound a bit bitchy to be honest. YOU DESERVED IT. what a damn bitchy comment. A lot of MLIA are made up, maybe they are more exciting like that, I always put at the end that it is made up if it is :) Cheers anyway. Maybe I am just a boring brit after all. My life is very average yet somehow not very funny.

FML stands for "F--- My Life." When something just awful happens, then people say "FMyLife" The tagline for this site used to say "My life sucks, and I don't give a f---." Of course, that was changed because people do really give a f---. Oh, and why people are so rude? Because they thrive in the anonymity and like to tear others down in order to boost their own esteem. To be perfectly frank, though, she did kinda deserve it for not taking the time to answer one simple question and being rude herself.

Yeah I guess she did.... Ah well. One more question, sorry about all the questions... Is it the same concept as mlia, do you have to submit then get it accepted, these dont look like they have been selected quite like MLIA make a big deal of which ones go through... And it also annoys me that all of your grammar is really bad. (yes I am a strange 13 year old, bad grammar annoys me.)

mekeskidi_fml 0

For someone who prefers MLIA, you seems to stay too much long here.

No, I just like to reply to comments and would appreciate my questions to be answered. Thank you very much. Don't go trying to tell me what sites I should be on and not just because I don't like it. I don't like the new facebook I still go on it. And please do me one favour. SORT YOUR ******* SENTENCE ORDER OUT.

Yes, people do submit stories and they are moderated by the members, just like MLIA. These are more strictly reviewed by the moderators, though, I believe.

Stuck up 13 year olds give me the *****

They also moderate the comments on the stories more strictly.

I'm very interested in why these comments were all moderated. O.O Damn my late arrival!

You were not obligated to give him your real name and you were just being cautious. Just tell him " Im sorry Sir, I was just being cautious, my real name is ______. Nice to meet you." Then, he'll have an opportunity to return that wallet to it's rightful owner. :) Next time you are approached, you might be able to prompt a clue from a guy who asks for your name by arching your brow and saying,"Whatever it was, I swear I didn't do it, Officer." lol

Funambulist 0

I say FML, I mean i know if someone asked my name, i would just walk away without saying it. Hope you some how got it back !

SummerTime98 0

Yeah I just did the wrong thing at the wrong time lol! I did get it back thank god but I had to pay him $50. All the cash that was in my wallet was $55. FML lol

hope he gave it to the other woman, bitch

As said above, rudely says it all. YDI

amatayo 0

um question to any woman that can answer this. what does it matter if you give him a real first name or fake.

heeeeyitsbrittney 12

It doesn’t lmao. You can’t go very far with just a first name.

amatayo, it makes it easier for them to gather more info and pretend to your co-workers like they know you .... safer to stick with stage names :p (kidding)