By crazy_mom - 01/11/2010 15:10 - United States

Today, a girl I like came over to my house because I'd promised to help her prepare for a math test. My mom thought it would be funny to put a stack of porn magazines and handcuffs on the table in my room when I went to open the door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 637
You deserved it 4 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Where the **** mags & handcuffs from your Moms personal stash? Kind of disturbing.

I can imagine the explanation now 'Wait don't leave they are my mom's mags n cuffs!' lmao


star500 0

Seriously: you don't even know how ******* cool your mom is. Is she single by chance?

cassidynicole 0

that just sucks. lolol I'd be so pissed if my parents did something like that.

your mom is so funny. i wish my mom was like that!! Well sort of. :)

Drumhead4 0