By Uniforms - 29/03/2017 12:00

Today, a friend of mine asked me to take him to a city about an hour away to pick up his firefighter uniforms. When we arrived, he was told that his uniforms had been shipped to the station he works at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 551
You deserved it 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jamielusions 19

Why didn't he call first? Would've saved himself the entire trouble..


jamielusions 19

Why didn't he call first? Would've saved himself the entire trouble..

basic.princess 2

Shouldn't they've told him where his uniform needed picked up?

FizzyAppleJuice 2

That's why you should always call ahead and check it out

species4872 19

An hour trip? Are you serious? I once drove for 4 hours just to get a hamburger.

Vi Vi_893298735 17

when sun goes down,so stars come up.

You had to spend 2 hours with a friend? How awful for you.