By Jimmy Joe - 08/09/2017 20:00

Today, I went to Houston to help with hurricane relief and to donate supplies. Later, I realized that I'd accidentally donated a bag that had my brand new truck keys in it. I've been waiting for 5 hours already to find it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 442
You deserved it 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Donating your truck to some poor suffering person in Houston is a very wonderful gesture. You are a hero, sir!

That was so kind of you to donate your brand new truck to somebody in need! Lol


Donating your truck to some poor suffering person in Houston is a very wonderful gesture. You are a hero, sir!

That was so kind of you to donate your brand new truck to somebody in need! Lol

Is your name Oprah? You get a car!! And you get a car! Everybody gets a car!!

Is your name Oprah? You get a car!! And you get a car! Everybody gets a car!!

8313girl 28

Sorry about that mixup but thank you for your efforts!!!