Things that go bump in the… parking lot

By Lousydriver - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was about to drive out of a parking lot. The space in front of me was empty, so I figured I could drive forward. I hadn't noticed that there was a median in front, and my car got stuck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 408
You deserved it 31 929

Top comments

flockz 19

get a bigger, more badass car.

Poor median. Minding its own business and it still gets run over.


StopDropNRoll 11

Would this be reliable evidence supporting the women can't drive theory? Along with the comment above this one with the college kids.

obviousboy 8

Why am I not surprised a chick did this? Who wants to bet she's blonde too? :P

a_lenzmeier 11

No shit Sherlock. Did you take the time to note the FEMALE sign in the top right corner?

Oh so done that. Only I did it in a ford truck. I ended up putting it in the shop for 8 weeks to get the entire rear end replaced. Leaf springs, tires, drive shaft, differential, shocks. Everything. So much for build Ford tough. FYL

twisted54 1

What kind of truck gets it's entire rear end damaged from running over a median? You must've been hauling some ass to pull off that trick...:)

twisted54 1

That's pretty weak buddy. I'd have been pissed if my truck fell apart so easily...

cj7jeep 1

I do that all the time on purpose...I guess driving a jeep pays off :0

Happens to the best of us. I once did that though i went straight over. Then these trash cans just jumped out of nowhere. And before I even knew what was happening I was suddenly driving through a park. Those poor hobos. But luckily it all ended when I finally stopped. Thank god that house just fell from the sky, because I have no idea how else it got right in front of my car

stephy8687 0
ugottaluvme 0

When I read this I was like "I bet OP is a woman." And wouldn't you know it, I was right! inb4 "OMG SEXIST PIG!!1!one". Women are statistically worse drivers than men.