The strangeness of strangers

By Hank Gummyworm - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was working the register at our local McDonald's. After a strange man left a massive order, he said, "Can I pay you in gummy worms?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 507
You deserved it 4 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sensoon15 7

should've said yes. :) gummy worms are good

I would have taken the offer. Gummy worms taste so much better than money.


OMG i love gummy bearz!! say yesh! X3

Surferbro 5
AnimalLover1031 8
tayruru 0

Gummy worms should be the new world currency! Oh what a tasty world we'd live in! :9

tellis1187 0

so........... come'on wat was ur answer dnt keep us in suspence bc i wanna know if mcd will take gummy worms i jus got a bag from wally world

matildalillyysto 0

hahaha that's cool i wouldve taken it, but then again money is better than gummy worms so yaa

LilSideTwerk 0

haha . so funny ! you shoulda said "Nahhh gummy worms aren't aloud .. but Gummy BEARS Are :)"

richard121212 0

**** ya those things are amazing