The pirate look

By Anonymous - 13/11/2008 03:01 - France

Today, I scratched my cornea and have to wear a large bandage covering my eye. I'm off today, but I'll probably have to wear it to school tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 060
You deserved it 5 972

Same thing different taste

Top comments

StephanieSays 0

Don't be a weenie. My friend got a paper cut on her eye and is now partially color blind.

mister_moops 0

i don't understand. are you crying because you have to wear the bandage or because of the scratch?


TwinRoxas 7

I come from a community wear eye patches are all the rage!


I've crushed my cornea, and I didn't need to wear a bandage. I went to school like that, it's no big deal. who cares what people thing of it.

DanaxasRhosyn 0

this has happened to me too, a couple times actually

loginword123 0

"Probably" being the key word

I got my eye scratched, I had to wear it for only a day, and I just skipped school, big whoop

Faye2210 9

This isn't really that bad and it's not funny at all

CaliLoveFire 23

happened to me in 5th grade. but instead of the bandage they gave me a pirate style eyepatch which my brother decided to glue a googly eye on

Had that happen to me before. I just had these eye drops and protective contact lenses I had to wear for 2 days