This charming man

By Anonymous - 15/05/2022 22:00

Today, my date from last night sent a text obviously meant for his brother or a friend, which said, and I quote, “Bro I tried all those psychological tricks you taught me to get her to want to suck my dick but she didn’t offer even once, now I got blue balls and I had to pay for her meal too.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 821
You deserved it 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It was meant to be sent to you. That's another psychological trick. Next time you see him, he'll apologize for the mix-up, but you'll feel like you owe him a *******. It works every time.

Wadlaen 23

Looks like you dodged a bullet. Better luck next time!


It was meant to be sent to you. That's another psychological trick. Next time you see him, he'll apologize for the mix-up, but you'll feel like you owe him a *******. It works every time.

Wadlaen 23

Looks like you dodged a bullet. Better luck next time!

You're right. She dodged a bullet this time. But next time, she'd better play with the bullet or she's going to get kicked off the gravy train!

He expected services of that manner from you but I bet he wasn’t willing to pony up on his end. What a tool.

Plot twist: OP did like him but every once in a while he'd say something really weird as if he was trying a psychological trick to get a ******* and she got weirded out.

You didn't offer.... even once? Apparently these "tricks" should cause multiple offers. Who knew?

Let him know next time you will pay for your own meal and he can take care of his own blue balls.

mehhwhy 1

I mean… He paid for dinner so it’s only fair that you help with dessert 🤷🏼‍♂️

If he wants to pay for a BJ he can go to a professional, not masquerade the whole thing as a date.