The jury's out on this one

By Anonymous - 19/11/2020 11:03 - United States - Fairfax

Today, I start my second week of jury duty. I was only supposed to do one week of jury duty and then go on a week of a pre-paid vacation. Instead, I’m required to go back to court this week, I’m spending my evenings doing my regular job, and I lost nearly $1,000 that I pre-paid for lodging. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 064
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

can you not send in some forms showing you had jury duty to get a refund? and for something like that you should have biased yourself out of duty. your head wont be in it, and I doubt you cared much about the case thinking and worrying about your vacation... better bet for you and the system is to force a replacement with hopefully less distractions.

tounces7 27

Or expect the court to cover expenses.....


can you not send in some forms showing you had jury duty to get a refund? and for something like that you should have biased yourself out of duty. your head wont be in it, and I doubt you cared much about the case thinking and worrying about your vacation... better bet for you and the system is to force a replacement with hopefully less distractions.

tounces7 27

Or expect the court to cover expenses.....

samomaha 17

The courts do not cover anything whatsoever as jury duty is a civic duty for living in a country this free. I know, i know, it feels like a royal pain and big cost, but that's life.

samomaha 17

Grewat answer, Grizz! Having worked in the hospitality industry, I can pretty much guarantee that OP's deposit or prepayment will be refunded. "Nonrefundables" can always be refunded inlegitimate instances where the reason is out of the guest's control. Please, OP, do as Grizz said. Your best choice is to just call the place and tell them what has happened and ask how to get a refund. Don't take no as an answer, ask for the manager if they won't refund it. Go as high up as you need to. But you likely won't need to escalate this one at all.

you shoulda been able to tell the court that you have a vacation planned and atleast be shifted to a later date

"You can't rush justice." - Matt Murdoch (possibly)