The higher power provides

By jamongrande - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, my roommate and I are so broke, we resorted to going to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting just for the refreshments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 570
You deserved it 4 473

Top comments

My name is cody, and I'm an orange-juiceaholic

flashback.miss 28


"Get a job." Well damn! I didn't think it was that simple! Oh. Wait. It's not. People can have a job and still be broke. Whether it has to do with poor money management or simply living paycheck to paycheck. You don't know OP's situation.

Maybe learn to budget instead of leeching off of other people?

candygirl2015 12
Fixedfate 1

Seriously though, either look for a better job, or help someone out and have them pay you a little. A 12 pack of Ramens is $2.22... Its not that hard to budget.

A 12 pack? Here one pack is $1.70, so that would be difficult...

drunk_crow 12

Why is OP's username spanish for big ham?

Ham Is delicious and clearly they are hungry and have food on their mind

It's a nickname, my name is Brigham, and my friends always just called me big ham and then when they took Spanish one...

I wish I could have you guys over for a meal!

You guys are not Max and Caroline ,are you?