
By anon - 30/08/2022 06:00

Today, I went to urgent care with a sinus infection. I get them regularly, and just need a course of antibiotics to clear it up, but the doctor insisted I needed to take a COVID test. It came back with a false positive. Now I have to take a week off work, and I still don't have my antibiotics. FML
I agree, your life sucks 827
You deserved it 347

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you sure it was a false positive and that you don’t actually have COVID (possibly alongside the sinus infection)?

You can't know for certain it's not COVID.


Are you sure it was a false positive and that you don’t actually have COVID (possibly alongside the sinus infection)?

You can't know for certain it's not COVID.

mattiagardin 15

If you were already a doctor why did you go to another one? Ooooh wait you're not a doctor...

You've got a free stay-cation! Why are you complaining?

Why do you go to urgent care with sinus infection? This should be handled by your GP.

I used to have chronic sinus infections. Go see an ear nose throat doctor. once I got sinus specific antibiotics I stopped getting them constantly