The dress is lit

By Laura - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I saw a small child take a really bad fall off his scooter, so I got rid of my cigarette and ran to help him. I asked him if he was alright, or if I could walk him to his house. He replied "I'm okay, but your dress is on fire." It was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 722
You deserved it 17 684

Top comments

greatnt249 0

Never mind the fact that the OP was actually trying to do something nice for someone, yet all you can do is focus on the fact that she was smoking. In my experience, those who are excessively dogmatic turn out to be the biggest hypocrites.


manonwater 0

at least she was helpful haters! so what if she was dumb enough to catch her dress on fire... ooooo! I'm so stupid because I smoke... WTF ever!!! it's her choice to kill her lungs and get cancer so get over it!!! she tried to be helpful at that's more important!

Gumblebum100 0

uhm well really this fml is because she caught her dress on fire, FROM SMOKING so dont blame people for saying things like smoking is bad, it's her fault because last time I checked catching her dress on fire WAS her fault and it wouldn't have happened if she wasn't smoking

Smoking is so bad it can cause you to post an FML! oh no!

robc32ca 4

stop smoking if you don't know how to put it out. you litterer.

except that other people breathe in (and die from) second hand smoke

xdanixx 0

Good demo of why smokers always deserve it...

"A SMOKER WITH A HEART" ... She will quit only when SHE DECIDES TO!!! ... Hopefully that's soon because we need more KIND PEOPLE like her in this world.

And secondhand smoking is worse than first hand smoking.

And us smokers have given up smoking in airplanes, restaurants, and most bars. OP was obviously smoking outside, so don't bitch about second-hand smoke in this case.