That he's a dumbass?

By Anonymous - 01/06/2020 05:03

Today, I was told by my boyfriend of 12 years that he wants to break up. He wants to be free to follow his "MGTOW beliefs." I had to look up what it meant. What am I supposed to tell our 2 little boys? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 710
You deserved it 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

**** him over legally those beliefs are just an excuse to abandon responsibility

Nhayaa 21

What to tell them? To not follow his bad example. The guy is a douch. You and your boys are better off without him.


Nhayaa 21

What to tell them? To not follow his bad example. The guy is a douch. You and your boys are better off without him.

Tell them when they are men, they will have to go their own way. I hope this movement gets very popular. Losers like me can use all the help we get with the ladies!😂😂😂

**** him over legally those beliefs are just an excuse to abandon responsibility

Sorry this happened op. But this seems like an ad for this organization maybe?

Tell them your dad has decided to join what is eventually gonna be labeled a hate group. The Southern Poverty Law Center has been keeping a close eye on them, and so they should.

I accidentally upvoted Robert Cruikshank's comment when I meant to downvote. 🤦‍♀️ How do I undo it?

Ambrily 27

You can't, unfortunately, at least as far as I'm aware. I wish I could down vote that comment twice, one for me and one for you.

Thanks, Ambrily. I wish you could too but I appreciate the thought. 🙂 I reached out to the mods on Facebook yesterday; hopefully they can help.

ftpallday666 16

**** that idiot. You’re better off without him and one day you and the kids will see it

Lora Wood 11

Tell them they will be going with their father. Then inform him of your decision. He will reconsider his choice when the work falls on him. Love to make men squirm.

bl3ur0z3 17

That their daddy isn't man enough to handle his responsibilities so he found a group that would excuse him from reality.

get a lawyer. if he's listed as their dad he probably has to pay child support