Thank you for your service

By Pooper scooper - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Guam - Yigo

Today, I realized that my dog has more work experience than I do. He's a retired military working dog, and I have a Master's degree. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 137
You deserved it 5 779

Top comments

rg350dx 29

Well since he's retired there's a position opened up as a service dog in the military. I bet they've never had a service dog with a masters degree before!

Aky0n 10


RedPillSucks 31

Next time, don't get a Masters degree in Archeological Philosophy.

Well the fact is he may have more experience but you provide everything for him...

SadisticStephyy 21

Dog! Thank you for your service! I mean uh woof woof bark woof!

olpally 32

I wish I had a masters degree. Don't complain. Lol.

Not only is your dog a high-rank military dog, but also received its pe-degree at Canine University. Good job dog..good job.

Hey don't feel bad for just having a master's degree!

Ever since I graduated college in have had so many interviews and gotten none of the jobs. I work retail. I feel your pain. It hurts so much and there are no easy solutions.

I've had ~20 interviews since I started my Computer Engineering degree (I haven't even finished it yet). More than half have resulted in offers and I have taken 4 of them so far. The biggest thing you need is experience. Getting your degree is nice - most of your competitors have done it, too. Having prior work experience is much better. Think you need to be hired to have prior work experience? Wrong! I've been programming since I was in the sixth grade - I didn't get my first (programming) job until I was nearly through my first year of college. Then I got two better ones during my second year. Now I'm graduating in a few months and I have a job that's better still (at IBM) lined up for as soon as I graduate. At this point I actually have enough school and job experience that that stuff is actually cooler than what I did when I was on my own, but those first few job offers came from things like "I made a simple, arcade style game for iOS" or "I made this app that keeps track of the batteries in your house and lets you know when any of them are about to die."

buttcramp 21

on the bright side, sounds like you own a wonderful dog!