
By Anonymous - 30/05/2021 14:01

Today, my mom died of COVID. As I was crying in her hospital room, my husband asked if it was OK for him to leave to take a business call, and our daughter asked if she could leave because she was bored and wanted to meet her boyfriend at a bar. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 708
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am very sorry for your loss... Perhaps your husband was unsure how to comfort you and wanted to leave you alone just a few minutes. Your daughter however was very inconsiderate and rude.


I am very sorry for your loss... Perhaps your husband was unsure how to comfort you and wanted to leave you alone just a few minutes. Your daughter however was very inconsiderate and rude.

For people to be that cold, her mother was probably not nice.

So sorry for your loss, how did you get into a room with a covid patient, last I heard that wasn't allowed.

DogeToTheMoon 4

Not to mention you can only have one person with you in the hospital anyway HOWEVER that might be different in different states or because she had died

Annies 17

I’m sorry for your loss. I know what it is to lose someone dear to you. I have sympathy for your husband, since you can’t just ignore business calls and expect to not be fired. Your daughter on the other hand needs to learn some respect.

DogeToTheMoon 4

The business call I can understand to a degree especially since he asked permission, I know it sucks but depending on the work he may not be able to not take it, your daughter needs a serious lesson in empathy, I’m guessing she wasn’t close with her but she should at the very least be there for you

NikiV 5
thatslifeiguess7 16

I'm wondering how in the world all of you could possibly have been in a room where someone has covid. Most hospitals won't let covid patients have visitors.

A lot of hospitals lift visitor restrictions for end-of-life to allow the family to say goodbye. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm grieving someone myself who died on Tuesday. Your husband may not have been able to avoid the call so I understand him but it still sucks. Your daughter...I hope your daughter was trying to excuse herself because she didn't know how to process the loss and spoke very poorly, but if she truly wanted to leave because she felt nothing but boredom, she needs therapy because that level of lack of empathy is really concerning. If she's meeting her boyfriend at a bar she's clearly an adult and should know better than to say something that cold out loud even if it was true. I'm deeply sorry your family wasn't there for you in your time of need.