A tax on irresponsability

By Anonymous - 09/02/2023 06:00

Today, I turned $50 into 25k, all off sports gambling, but then lost most of it before I could even take the money out. I'm now sitting on about $1500 to my name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 131
You deserved it 1 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And this, kids, is why “the house always wins” and “never bet what you’re not willing to lose” exist

You're still $1450 up. Let it ride! Put $1450 on the Houston Rockets to win the NBA Championship. You lose, you're Even Steven, but if you win, you'll be a billionaire and be heralded as a genius and a prophet.


You're still $1450 up. Let it ride! Put $1450 on the Houston Rockets to win the NBA Championship. You lose, you're Even Steven, but if you win, you'll be a billionaire and be heralded as a genius and a prophet.

And this, kids, is why “the house always wins” and “never bet what you’re not willing to lose” exist

As stated: The House ALWAYS wins. The instant you hit that 'woohoo' moment, in your case 25k, that is when you cash out and WALK THE HELL AWAY. Gambling is a fools game, especially when you let your greed and excitement control your actions. It's the aspect of human behaviour that casinos and bookies count on to fleece you out of everything. If you are going to continue gambling then you really do need to learn the meaning of the phrase: Quit while you're ahead.