
By nice one - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, I finally confronted my boyfriend and asked him if he was cheating on me. He got flustered and said, "Technically, I'm cheating with you, not on you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 863
You deserved it 3 124

Top comments

Tell him, you're breaking up with him, not on him.

Cheating is cheating, no matter who it's with.


222004801 4

Punch him in the face and then go get some ice cream.

Mirmade1985 2
hateevryone 14

So you're the other girl, in other words.

What a genius. Absolutely awesome answer.

noisebox 1

That's a yes time to move on ( free advice from Anne landers)....

Abracadavre_fml 9

So did you kick him in the balls or did you kick him the balls?

tmarzke 2

You deserve so much better and he is a loser I was in the same situation except I was the other girl ): it sucked but girl you will do so much better and way better off just take it one step at a time (:

I hope you warn his girlfriend. I think she would understand if you explain you had no idea about being the other girl. Then both of you can teach this loser a lesson.

delicious69 5