Such a sweet little boy

By no, YOU raised him - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Concord

Today, I asked my 5-year-old son how school went today. He sighed and said, "Fuck off, dad." I thought kids only became such colossal douchebags in their teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 720
You deserved it 6 739


Hey it's 2015. 6th graders are sending nudes these days.

I don't know if I should be amused or worried that whenever a kid does anything bad on sites like these, it always sparks a massive argument about discipline/raising kids. Especially since people always seems to jump to physical punishment as the go-to solution, especially since a five-year-old probably doesn't even know what '****' means or why it's bad, so hitting them seems like a real overreaction, imo. -shrug-

BlackFire4890 16

beat that ass. that's the problem with kids these days not enough ass beatings.

i would have strapped him til he couldnt sit for a week. little ******.

TheGuy9504 3

Teens? I'm guessing you don't play call of duty multiplayer

kybon 12

Thats what we call a lack of discipline

hahahaha123123 10

Give him the taste of life - you don't talk to the hand that feeds you like that

I suppose you're one of those people who thinks disciplining kids in any way will destroy their precious self-esteem?

Beat his ass one good time and you need to ever worry about that again. Not even when he's a teenager