Such a sweet little boy

By no, YOU raised him - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Concord

Today, I asked my 5-year-old son how school went today. He sighed and said, "Fuck off, dad." I thought kids only became such colossal douchebags in their teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 720
You deserved it 6 739


Uh wth Dad? I think someone needs an ass whopping and a time out. and Dad seriously? why does he even KNOW these words??

You are his dad, put him in time out and take away his xbox and TV until he apologizes!

I would smack him back into his mothers womb

Jethco 15

I would have been like, guess who's loosing all his electronics and is grounded this week?!

I'm German and because of me, my 5 year old cousin is able to swear like a boss. Oh well xD

There is only one response to that. Smack on the butt and straight to bed, all electronic toys removed and door shut until apology is forthcoming and never to be repeated. Consequences. Kids do what they please because no one wants to parent anymore.