Such a sweet little boy

By no, YOU raised him - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Concord

Today, I asked my 5-year-old son how school went today. He sighed and said, "Fuck off, dad." I thought kids only became such colossal douchebags in their teens. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 720
You deserved it 6 739


Well.. It was that way...Until recently... Its really unnerving how little kids have such atrocious language nowadays I still don't use that kind of language...

Kids learn things pretty fast. Whether its good or bad. You still got time to straighten up the things and find out whats wrong your son

Kids generally will repeat things they hear at home or school. How you handle it will make the difference as to if he continues saying it.

This is why parents need to bust kids asses, I had my ass busted and I turned out just fine, or wash his mouth out with soap. and set up a swear jar.

As I am a teenager, i can argue that we are not all "colossal douchebags" I for one have never NEVER said a swear word in my life. and I never had to be disciplined into not doing it. In my humble opinion my parents had/have way too much control over me. I'm suppose to love and respect my parents to make me want to obey them, not be scared into doing whatever they say. I am very obedient because i am afraid to not be, and I'm s good kid so I would honestly do it anyways if asked nicely instead of having to desl with threats of hitting or other punishments.. and to those who think that teenagers are over dramatic, remember when you were in school and you learned several times in history about grown ups not being able to agree so they KILLED each other? and that still goes on today and is acceptable? yeah WE'RE dramatic.

thecman25 14

First off kids today say all kinds of shit, heck even at elementary school they use that kind of language

I hope you spanked his behind off after disrespecting you like that