By devil neighbours - 11/04/2017 15:00 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, I'm living in a house share with a passive-aggressive middle-aged couple who leave rude notes around the house and yet pretend I don't exist when they happen to be in the same room as me. I'm in no position to get rid of them or move myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 813
You deserved it 332

Same thing different taste

Top comments

species4872 19

Put a little smiley on each of the notes, and whenever they look at you, smile back. That will really piss them off.

How come my first thought upon reading this was that this was a fancy way of OP saying they are, unfortunately, stuck still living with their parents? I can only hope things get better for OP.


species4872 19

Put a little smiley on each of the notes, and whenever they look at you, smile back. That will really piss them off.

yes!the wrong reaction will be the best response to this!

How come my first thought upon reading this was that this was a fancy way of OP saying they are, unfortunately, stuck still living with their parents? I can only hope things get better for OP.

Bunnybear132 1

Know the feels , currently stuck living with my passive aggressive mother in-law and I'm leaving the country soon and a large part of it is because of her!

I feel for you. I was just in the exact same situation in my dorm, except instead of a middle aged couple, it was a pair of bitches who shared the room beside mine. Good luck OP.

That's what you call your parents, guess it's time to get a job and move out of your parents house...

could be worse, my father was rooming with this older couple in college, later after he moved out and both ppl were dead it was discovered that the woman had buried the man in the back, covered his grave in concrete and had kept on collecting his checks

could be worse, my father was rooming with this older couple in college, later after he moved out and both ppl were dead it was discovered that the woman had buried the man in the back, covered his grave in concrete and had kept on collecting his checks

I live in a house with a room mate who eats food. I mean like my subway sandwich. Then gets upset that I am accusing her. Not accusing I know you ate it. No one else is here to eat my sandwich.

I have to say this is my favorite fml so far mainly because of the trailer park boys clip. I can't stop laughing everytime I watch it