Covidiots everywhere

By Anonymous - 28/06/2021 11:01

Today, I was harrassed, called a bad mom, and had death wished upon me for getting the Covid vaccine. Apparently, I don't deserve to live because I don't want to die from the virus. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 192
You deserved it 208

Same thing different taste

Top comments

everyone has their own opinion on the covid vaccine but that person sounds like a general anti vaxxer. don't pay them no mind, they go full retard. normal people ignore them

brockwaycc 3

They are just anti-mask and anti-vaxxers. I bet she doesn’t mind having her kid go to school to get a flu shot though, because that doesn’t interfere with her day to day life like the CoVid pandemic has.


everyone has their own opinion on the covid vaccine but that person sounds like a general anti vaxxer. don't pay them no mind, they go full retard. normal people ignore them

AnaBae 5
brockwaycc 3

They are just anti-mask and anti-vaxxers. I bet she doesn’t mind having her kid go to school to get a flu shot though, because that doesn’t interfere with her day to day life like the CoVid pandemic has.

All those clicking "you deserve it" have an iQ the same as their shoe sizes.

jeanne_danos91 8

I was told by a lovely woman that I’m going to hell for getting the vaccine. I got it for my mother, who is immuno-compromised.