It's not called a pandemic for nothing

By Anonymous - 15/04/2021 13:59

Today, I found out that no matter how careful you are during this pandemic, wearing a mask, washing hands, and social distancing, you can still get COVID. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 076
You deserved it 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yes, because again, you wear the mask to protect others. It's like like 30% effective in your defense if you wear it. I think it's 70% of someone ELSE wears it. The problem is everyone else that decided it was their right to get other people, including yourself, sick

That was obvious. You just found out the hard way. Hey, we all knew there was a risk. Now you must do your part and take care of your body and social distance yourself to protect others.


That was obvious. You just found out the hard way. Hey, we all knew there was a risk. Now you must do your part and take care of your body and social distance yourself to protect others.

Yes, because again, you wear the mask to protect others. It's like like 30% effective in your defense if you wear it. I think it's 70% of someone ELSE wears it. The problem is everyone else that decided it was their right to get other people, including yourself, sick

You could do all of the above and still get the common cold. Unfortunately it's a risk we take if we need to leave our homes.

wrenavery90 12