Sorry sweaty, my brain is melting

By Anonymous - 03/07/2021 22:01

Today, while intoxicated, I accidentally called my girlfriend by female roommate's name. Panicked, I tried to correct myself and said my female best friend's name. My relationship with both is 100% platonic, but as a last ditch effort, completely frazzled, I said my cat's name. Now she won't stop calling me by her ex's name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 365
You deserved it 1 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

People tend to mix up names that their mind categorized together like “important women in my life,” I personally have one that’s “who I’m responsible for making sure are fed, safe and happy” that include my stepson and dog. My stepson really doesn’t like when I get the two confused either. Drunk or distracted brain problems. At least she’s just teasing you with her ex’s name instead of setting fire to your stuff and accusing you of cheating.

Sounds like she's a keeper, that really could have gone much more poorly.


DoctorPALO 14

Shouldn't your gf be a priority? YDI.

People tend to mix up names that their mind categorized together like “important women in my life,” I personally have one that’s “who I’m responsible for making sure are fed, safe and happy” that include my stepson and dog. My stepson really doesn’t like when I get the two confused either. Drunk or distracted brain problems. At least she’s just teasing you with her ex’s name instead of setting fire to your stuff and accusing you of cheating.

Sounds like she's a keeper, that really could have gone much more poorly.

To whoever made the caption, it's always amazing how people still mix up "sweaty" with "sweetie". I'm more than certain the goal wasn't to refer to the person as if they are soaked in sweat...

Maybe but to be fair the guys brain is melting.

At least she had a sense of humor about it, that's a good sign

I mess up names all the time even when I’m sober. Its just a thing that happens and it’s okay.

these things happen in relationships. since it's not stated I'm hoping your girlfriend is calling you by her ex's name in a teasing joking sort of way. if so it will be a funny inside joke for years to come. if it's angry or bitter please use this as an opportunity to explore why she's so upset about it and it can help you improve your relationship

You might just need to apologize for that. Brain farts happen, but saying 'I'm sorry, my brain was somewhere else and I was drunk' often covers it. Also you really don't need to be so drunk you forget names, a mild buzz is enough for most people. Stick to lighter drinks and try fancy sodas or juices when you're buzzed (aloe water is delicious, or aqua fresca).