Something awful

By halitosis - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Compton

Today, I was riding the subway home with some friends when I noticed something smelled awful. My friends noticed it too. After searching for the source of the smell, it became apparent that it was my breath. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 609
You deserved it 19 528

Top comments

spekledworf 18

You sure you're not just an ugly barnacle?

Brush your teeth? Gum? Mouthwash? Mini-tooth brush to go?


skyeyez9 24

Tonsil stones, not brushing your tongue, not flossing every day. I also read it can be a sign of a health issue, and the smell is not coming from your mouth but deep in your gut? Or something like that.

I've never understood flossing. If anything it looks a bit dangerous (potential gum damage-wise). I've never once flossed and I have perfect teeth clean-wise. :/

38, I never used to floss and I had horrible bleeding gums..once I started they became strong and healthy and stopped bleeding, but I understand everyone's different so whatever works right

skyeyez9 24

Food bits get stuck between your teeth, flossing helps get it out. Brushing doesn't remove 100% of food bits and if left there, will rot and smell.

"I've never understood flossing. If anything it looks a bit dangerous (potential gum damage-wise). I've never once flossed and I have perfect teeth clean-wise. :/" I find it very hard to believe you have "perfect" teeth cleanliness if you don't floss. If a person doesn't floss, a lot of bacteria collects in between their teeth and can actually cause a lot of problems like bad breath, tartar/plaque buildup, cavities, gingivitis, and even gum disease. Your teeth might be healthy now, but you can get all sorts of problems later on in life which might even lead to the removal of said teeth. In fact, I'd go as far to say that flossing is equally as important as brushing. It certainly doesn't damage your gums (unless your doing it wrong) and if it hurts/bleeds that means you might already have the beginnings of plaque problems or gum disease. Don't know where you got the impression it could damage your gums, because it's actually the best thing to do to keep your gums healthy and toxin/disease free. Sorry for the essay. But as an ex-dentist assist, I'm constantly horrified by how many people don't floss and/or think it can cause some sort of damage.

kirbeaar 19

38 - when I was younger I thought the same thing, and then when you finally do floss you really realize how much you're missing by only brushing.

unknown_user5566 26

Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit.

ElishaisSexy2016 9

That's why I carry a small pack of gum at all times :)

mashimarox 12

Brush , mouthwash and gum. Its not hard to scrub and spit. Its not hard to swirl mouthwash in ur mouh and spit. its not hard to chew. Seriously

It gets a lot harder if OP has a disease which causes the bad odour.

24: It's not hard to spell out 'your' or spell mouth properly either, but some of us can't even get THAT right.

ElishaisSexy2016 9

Everybody makes mistakes. Even you do, so shut it.

mashimarox 12

i never said i dont make mistakes . if his breath was THAT bad he must have not brushed in days.

ElishaisSexy: Such animosity, oh my! I was kidding (partially. I'm not a fan of using text talk on here, and it's against the rules anyway.) You're fairly new as a commenter, so I understand if you feel I'm being a complete asshole, but I usually poke fun at people like this. My dry humor may not agree with you, but that's just how I am. P.S. I don't think I'll ever be able to take you seriously with that username.

Oh man # 21 beat me to it, but op you better lay of the poop tarts.

HeyArnold91 8
BunchieRules 31

English Translation: "Dude, come on! Brush your teeth!"

Make sure u floss daily and get to the dentist regularly to have your teeth cleaned and other problems addressed. Also, drinking lemon water every day, eating kale and other leafy green veggies and certain herbs/spices have been known to help cure/prevent bad breath. Poor nutrition can be a contributer.