By unemployedliar - 23/05/2017 02:09 - United States - Aurora

Today, I applied for a job and got called in for an interview. I lied on my resume stating that I speak Japanese fluently. Turns out, my potential employer is half-Japanese and wants to conduct the interview entirely in Japanese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 827
You deserved it 13 899

jmk10 tells us more.

jmk10 1

Op here, wow I didn't know this would actually get published. Yeah I know I shouldn't have lied but I should probably mention that I do know some Japanese (more conversational than fluent, probably enough to be able to assist a customer). I figured it would be okay. Lesson learned. As you can probably figure out, I didn't get the job though.

Top comments


ERM..and what words came out of your mouth when you realized? Names of pokemon?

ChromoTec 24

sayounara* ,or more correctly, さようなら*

Lobby_Bee 17

For the remaining hours till the interview, you shall watch nothing but anime and only anime. Good luck.

thunderniron 22

Okkkkkkaaaaaaay Why would you lie about something like speaking a language? I mean it's probably the first thing they'd want to verify, especially if it's a part of the job to be able to. Can we say STUPID!?!?

Yeah, you're not speaking Japanese, speaking Japanese. I really think so.

Is this supposed to be an homage to the song "Turning Japanese"?

Cheating and lying may have gotten you through school but not necessarily real life. YDI.

jmk10 1

Op here, wow I didn't know this would actually get published. Yeah I know I shouldn't have lied but I should probably mention that I do know some Japanese (more conversational than fluent, probably enough to be able to assist a customer). I figured it would be okay. Lesson learned. As you can probably figure out, I didn't get the job though.

The hard part is that unless speaking Japanese fluently was the requirement, you probably would've got credit for your conversational Japanese if you just told the truth on your CV.

The word to use here is "proficient", assuming you can carry on a simple conversation.