So frustrating

By Anonymous - 10/07/2022 14:00

Today, it's been two years since I've started having agonizing pain during sex, and worse period pains than when I was a teenager. So far, no gynecologist can figure out what's wrong and endometriosis has been ruled out after several painful examinations and tests. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 258
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would continue to consult with different gynecologists and insist your primary care doctor get you the referrals you need. This could be something serious not to be ignored. It is good that endometriosis has been ruled out but keep the doc's feet to the fire as it were. Good luck! To RichardPencil: Sorry man, no puns for this except maybe this is a bloody mess (no disrespect to OP).

This may not post bc I’m on mobile but get a second or third or fourth opinion if you have to. Yay no endo but get looked at for PCOS and PID of you haven’t. ALSO Find a pelvic pain specialist (yes there are OB/GYNs that specialize specifically on pain - UCLA health has one but I have no idea where you’re located) Of this fails to post I’ll try on my laptop later and I’ll link some resources


I would continue to consult with different gynecologists and insist your primary care doctor get you the referrals you need. This could be something serious not to be ignored. It is good that endometriosis has been ruled out but keep the doc's feet to the fire as it were. Good luck! To RichardPencil: Sorry man, no puns for this except maybe this is a bloody mess (no disrespect to OP).

No puns? C'mon! Don't be such a ... Hmmm. Y'know, maybe this is not such a great story to make puns about.

This may not post bc I’m on mobile but get a second or third or fourth opinion if you have to. Yay no endo but get looked at for PCOS and PID of you haven’t. ALSO Find a pelvic pain specialist (yes there are OB/GYNs that specialize specifically on pain - UCLA health has one but I have no idea where you’re located) Of this fails to post I’ll try on my laptop later and I’ll link some resources

Sounds like a voodoo curse. Whose husband/boyfriend were you boning two years ago? All you gotta do is steal her voodoo doll and take the pins out of its koochie.

This may sound preachy but as someone who works in medicine and who has also had the same problems.....get a second or third or fourth opinion if you have to. Yay no endo but get looked at for PCOS and PID of you haven’t. ALSO Find a pelvic pain specialist (yes there are OB/GYNs that specialize specifically on pain and specifically in the types of pain you seem to be describing - UCLA health has one but I have no idea where you’re located)

Suaria 38

You could also look into vaginismus which is fairly common or into PCOS. You should get tested until they can figure out what is up.

there is a condition in which your organs fuse together. unlikely but possible.

So - based on personal experience ; First of all - endo is really hard to discover if you are not a specialist. You need either an mr with endometriosis-protocol or laparascopic check - again - by an expert. Secondly - endo can be literally anywhere, and it has a nasty version inside the wall of the uterus, that is called adenomyosis, which can ONLY be discovered on mri with endo-protocol OR dissection/autopsy - that cant happen until the entire uterus is removed.. If nobody else can find anything - I suggest finding an expert in this field. A good place to start is Nancy’s nook - google it..

Its called vulvadynia it there isnt a real explanation for it but it does come and go maybe benzocaine down their might help im sorry your going through this but id you read up on it they have some relief techniques you can use

Boyer79 6

Get checked for a twisted cervix. I have one and the pain makes me cry.