Slice of Freudian slip

By Myrin - 29/12/2022 18:00

Today, I was talking to my wife about the pie she'd made and she was really leaning on the need to be reassured, so I said, "It was real good Mom." FML
I agree, your life sucks 582
You deserved it 336

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oedipus, eat-a-pie? This is hilarious if you pronounce Oedipus the British way.

When I was young, sometimes Dad would call my Mom “Mom”. She mentioned to me once that she didn’t like being called that by her husband and decided to turn it around and call him “Dad”. She said that he seemed to like that, which just made it worse for her, so then she plain out told him that she was not his mom (who lived a couple of houses away) and to call her by her name… It’s not an uncommon thing for parents who have children to call each other “mom” or “dad” because that’s how they refer to them in talking to their children - Like, “Ask Mom if she needs anything from the store.” I had a friend who went the other way - His children called him “Deer” because that’s what the wife called him… OP, these things happen - I assume or hope that “Mom” didn’t take it in a weird sexual way. Just say “oops” and call her what you usually call her. It’s usually when things are repeated that they get on people’s nerves.


Oedipus, eat-a-pie? This is hilarious if you pronounce Oedipus the British way.

When I was young, sometimes Dad would call my Mom “Mom”. She mentioned to me once that she didn’t like being called that by her husband and decided to turn it around and call him “Dad”. She said that he seemed to like that, which just made it worse for her, so then she plain out told him that she was not his mom (who lived a couple of houses away) and to call her by her name… It’s not an uncommon thing for parents who have children to call each other “mom” or “dad” because that’s how they refer to them in talking to their children - Like, “Ask Mom if she needs anything from the store.” I had a friend who went the other way - His children called him “Deer” because that’s what the wife called him… OP, these things happen - I assume or hope that “Mom” didn’t take it in a weird sexual way. Just say “oops” and call her what you usually call her. It’s usually when things are repeated that they get on people’s nerves.