By Anonymous - 25/08/2017 05:45 - Indonesia - Bali

Today, whilst on holiday in Bali, I set off on my way to the day spa for 4 hours of much-needed relaxation. I tripped about a meter away from the entrance and broke my arm. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 580
You deserved it 303

Top comments

Maybe you’ll get some nice relaxation and heavy sedatives in the hospital.

Lobby_Bee 17


Maybe you’ll get some nice relaxation and heavy sedatives in the hospital.

Yes "heavy sedatives" they call them in Bali ;)

simcityguy09 19

This is the first one of your comments I've seen that isn't really controversial or ******* savage.

SteelSoul5 9
Lobby_Bee 17
ImPrettyGoddamnDum 2

If you broke the glass too, you get like 7 more years of bad luck like that

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20