Sexy times

By Anonymous - 01/04/2022 03:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend turned down sex so he could masturbate to his favourite Japanese cartoon porn. I was obviously horny but his compromise was to offer to watch it and masturbate together. I’m an adult damnit, I want sex, not pissing cartoons. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 543
You deserved it 340

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I could be mistaken, but I think I see a red flag or two here.

kitten79TX 5

Your boyfriend has issues.Y'all need couples therapy, or to break up. A person who prefers nasturbation to having sex with me would be a no-go. And FYI, this is LITERALLY a mental health condition, I just can't remember the name for it. Basically a person fantasized so much about **** sex that they are not satisfied with real-world women.


I could be mistaken, but I think I see a red flag or two here.

kitten79TX 5

Your boyfriend has issues.Y'all need couples therapy, or to break up. A person who prefers nasturbation to having sex with me would be a no-go. And FYI, this is LITERALLY a mental health condition, I just can't remember the name for it. Basically a person fantasized so much about **** sex that they are not satisfied with real-world women.

j.b. 1
Devil's Advocate 1

Do the things in the anime to him. Then dump him. 😂

If a man is into hentia or anime they're not a man and you should leave them. Anime is just a cartoon soap opera, and cartoon **** is just creepy as ****.