RIP Mr Whiskers

By Anonymous - 30/03/2022 19:00 - United States - Little Rock

Today, I found my neighbors' cat that had bolted after surgery. Its surgical collar had gotten caught when jumping a fence. It's been 15 hours. I can still feel the life leave its body as I tried to save it. I still see the look on the young daughter's face as she ran out to find me holding her lifeless cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 435
You deserved it 74

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Most FML stories don’t bother me on an emotional level but this one just… made me feel sick.

something similar happened to me on Canada's day a few years ago. walking down the street fireworks scared a ally cat. truck hit it. I found it and wrapped it up in a shirt while and pet him as he went. nothing anyone could have done and he passed in minutes... breaks one's heart. sorry you had to endure that.


Most FML stories don’t bother me on an emotional level but this one just… made me feel sick.

Call the fire department? They know how to do such a rescue. Leave it to the pros.

Seems like it was beyond the OPs capabilities.

something similar happened to me on Canada's day a few years ago. walking down the street fireworks scared a ally cat. truck hit it. I found it and wrapped it up in a shirt while and pet him as he went. nothing anyone could have done and he passed in minutes... breaks one's heart. sorry you had to endure that.

No good deed goes unpunished! Should have started cat CPR would have given you some leverage

I applaud your efforts. Hopefully there will be no next time, but if there is, maybe learn animal cpr I feel for you.

Why did the owner let the cat jump fences outside while wearing a surgical collar? They deserved it. Not you fault, OP.