Revenge is sweet yogurt

By Doomed - 24/07/2021 08:02 - United States

Today, my coworker made up a story about me “sexually harassing” her and filed a complaint to my boss. All because I took the last plastic spoon from the breakroom, and she couldn’t eat her yogurt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 269
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's defamation. Since it's written, it's considered libel. Counter attack and press charges. Get her fired from her job and ruin her life in the meantime.

Tell your boss to get metal spoons so she can complain about having to wash one like in a normal and less wasteful office


That's defamation. Since it's written, it's considered libel. Counter attack and press charges. Get her fired from her job and ruin her life in the meantime.

Just tell your boss that she is trying to install ransomware on your company's computers. Sexual harassment is so 2018 -- the new outrage is cybercrime! This will get her bounced so fast they won't have time to discover your erotic fetish of watching women eat without flatware.

Tell your boss to get metal spoons so she can complain about having to wash one like in a normal and less wasteful office