Puppy love

By goodbye grades - 15/03/2022 00:01

Today, I spent more than 5 hours transcribing all the notes from my computer to a notebook then to flash cards, to drill myself for a physics test. Even though my bedroom door was closed, my mom let our new puppy in so it wouldn’t be scared by the vacuum. Yes, it peed and chewed on my notes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 038
You deserved it 105

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xllabraxasllx 19

Well, if you recreate them again, you most certainly should have retained the information.

Your dog ate your homework, and sadly it does you no good. What a shame.


xllabraxasllx 19

Well, if you recreate them again, you most certainly should have retained the information.

Your dog ate your homework, and sadly it does you no good. What a shame.

writing things down helps the mind retain the information, so even if you don't think you know it, your memory does, good luck with your test.

Grumpy Jack 26

I hate those puppies and other small dogs, they're scared of everything, they bark for no reason, they shit everywhere... they're completely useless ! I would have kicked that shit out of the door !