Prank wars

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I thought it would have been funny to cut off my friend's rat-tail. He thought it would be funny to put a brick through my windshield. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 764
You deserved it 119 004

Top comments

You don't **** with people's hair. You completely deserve it, even if he is retarded for having a rat tail.

flyboy57 0

YDI. I had friends with rat rails while growing up. do you know how long it takes to grow one?


Brooklynxman 0

I agree with him, the second one is WAY funnier. Ass.

Brooklynxman 0

I agree with your friend the second one is WAY funnier. You ass.

TEANNAgrace 0

You think he overreacted a bit? :/

Liam_Vile 5

I won't say YDI, because in the end you were doing your friend a favor. Rat tails are one of the dumbest looking hair styles ever. If your friend threw a brick through your window for fixing his hair, he's the asshole.

InigoMontoya 0

Well, the type of person who would wear such a thing is probably more inclined to overreact than say, someone who's not white trash.

utmost 0

who the french are you to touch anothers mans hair

CheshireHalli 19

This is both FYL and YDI. YDI for cutting his hair off. Regardless what you think about the style, it's HIS hair, and it's not hurting anyone else. But, FYL for the means he got back at you with. The brick was a bit of an overreaction.

californiareader 0

wow, i mean this is a totaly YDI grows back, no need to put a brick through someone's windshield because they cut your hair.

I applaud you for fixing an atrocious hair style.