Please, think of my family…

By StaplerScared - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got mugged by a guy who was threatening me with a stapler. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 867
You deserved it 9 113

Top comments

He probably went home and said, "Staples. That was easy."


Really??!! I would have just laughed and walked away. Im sorry OP but thats kinda pothetic..

stephanieeDawnx 0

Your spelling is kind of PATHETIC.

It's funny because you still got what he was saying

Really??!! I would have just laughed and walked away. Im sorry OP but thats kinda pothetic..

Badab1ng 5

Damn brotato, that shit has got some range. Better hand everything over, plus a handy-j for good measure.

pfx2_fml 15

I have no idea what your saying

Badab1ng 5

I feel like you have no sense of humor, since it was pretty clear.

13FTW 9

The only reason I thumbed you down, is because you said "brotato" Just no.

flockz 19

it's ok broseidon, don't let these little brotato chips weaken your brah-someness. just shake their brohans, turn around, and walk away to some of your other brosephs.

18 allow me to translate. Damn bro! Those staplers got some range! Better give him everything you have and throw in a handjob for good measure. Many brain cells were killed in the making of this comment.

That wasn't so easy now, was it? Damn staples... Where's that red button when you need it!

uprising_fml 0

I would have been afraid . staples ******* hurt--especially if it's a staple gun -.-

every1luvsboners 11

I read about this guy in the paper. He staples your ass cheeks together then robs you of all your possessions.

Speaking as someone who once stapled their thumb to a piece of paper, I would have been quite intimidated. That shit can hurt.

Wtf? What a stupid weapon "Give me your money! Or be staple to the wall" lmao either way you should have ran xD

iEatWookies 1

OP was probably tricked into thinking it was a gun until the guy ran away. Kinda like what Batman did with the tape recorder haha. Or they're just stupid :p

Or like in "Bandit" with Bruce Willis when they robbed the bank with just a highlighter.