Plans fall through

By Anonymous - 28/08/2015 20:05 - Italy - Cervignano Del Friuli

Today, I found out that I won't be able to attend my own wedding, because I'll be in a mandatory training class that doesn't allow people to take vacation for any reason. So now we've wasted $10,000, and I can't even fly home for one day. All because I got promoted unexpectedly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 030
You deserved it 2 271

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I do believe that due to how long you would have given your employer notice you may find that a quick chat to HR and explain your situation could mean the wedding is on still. Also if your job is forcing you to cancel tell them they will have to pay for it, they will let you go then.


to me it almost seems criminal that your job would make you miss your wedding day and cause you to waste thousands of dollars just for a training day. there has to be someone you can talk to or something you can do to let you off the hook. i mean shit, someone there has to have a heart. right?

paravoz 30

should've checked for conflict

... "All because I got promoted unexpectedly."

Should've read the FML completely before commenting.

ChopSuey444 20

Obviously it's all taking place pretty close together. Op probably should have asked if there were going to be any complications involving his wedding date. Especially with how costly it was, it would've been foremost in my mind.

#61 Considering you generally take several days off in order to get married, there's no way OP didn't give the company forewarning in regards to the wedding date. And since the FML states it was an unexpected promotion, OP certainly didn't apply for it. He's not at fault, the company is.

You have to consider if the promotion is worth that much of a loss - $10,000 is a huge amount to lose all at once. You should definitely talk it over with your fiancée. Remember, you can always turn down the promotion, and if need be, you can always reschedule the wedding. Best of luck, I'm sure whatever you decide will work out!

Pharmkitty 11

If they decided to promote you and passed up others in the process, you must be important. It may say that you cannot miss it on paper, but I've found in life that there are few absolute deadlines for training that cannot be adjusted, if given a proper reason. You'll have to weigh the benefits of your promotion versus a day that is not only important to you, but those close to you. Is this promotion going to make up for the 10k you lost plus another 10k+ to reschedule? If not, is it worth it? That's a terrible decision to make. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I hope it gets resolved in your favor. :(

Geckosrock99 33

Talk to HR or a higher up in general. Tell them that you've had your wedding day planned a hell of a lot longer than your training day. Don't let them make you waste $10k, put your foot down. If they don't listen and still make you do the training on your wedding day, you're working for/with heartless assholes that don't deserve your time.

Ask yourself this: Are you living to work? Or, are you working to live?

My now brother in law was in a somewhat similar situation. He had just gotten a new job at Disney World and they wouldn't allow him to take vacation for his wedding, or even just unpaid days off, despite the fact that he notified them months in advance. Instead he had to call out of work every day while he was traveling to and from New Jersey, on his wedding day, and every day of his honeymoon. He got written up for forgetting to call out on the actual day of his wedding. He kinda had a lot on his mind. Some employers are dicks, so good luck with that.

I had heard that working at Disney world was a real but that takes the biscuit.

BloodyGlass 10

"You best check yourselves before I wreck you and rip you a new one." :)

Family comes first...well soon to be family...

leogachi 15

@23 I don't always agree with that saying, but I definitely agree with it this time.