People will collect literally anything

By freaked out - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I discovered why my girlfriend is so obsessed with cutting my nails. She collects my clippings in a jar under her bed. She claims it will keep us together longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 127
You deserved it 2 669

Top comments


It's kind of nasty you let her cut your nails THAT much in the 1st place. You're a grown ass man.

J_babyxoxo 8

How is it nasty that she cuts his nails? Creepy, yes.. but I don't see how clipping his fingernails is "nasty"..

My boyfriend wanted me to cut his fingernails as a test to see if I really would do anything for him. I worry about him sometimes.

That's just creepy. You'd better try to be on her good side as often as possible before she tries to pull some voodoo on you or something.

McNerdyNerd 8

Show her wrong right is too short to deal with creepers like that D:

OceanBlueSea 12

That jar is one of many things that will give her away to the cops. You know...after they discover the rotting stench of your corpse under the patio.

Seems you have an OAG on your hands... I feel for you :/