People will collect literally anything

By freaked out - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I discovered why my girlfriend is so obsessed with cutting my nails. She collects my clippings in a jar under her bed. She claims it will keep us together longer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 127
You deserved it 2 669

Top comments


LEAVE! This sounds like the start of one of those crime shows. And ends with your body in a freezer.

Run for the hills !! That's a little on the stage 10 clinger side and crazy !

It's not nails. It's underwear under the bed. Or so the Urban Legend says. Either way, might want to lace up your running shoes and prepare to run. Does she cook your food too? Yes? Run!!!

I should have read your comment first before I added mine ;)

osm1989_fml 6

And you didn't find it odd to begin with that she was cutting your nails for you?

The first thought that went through my head when I read this was Quagmire collecting strands of Louis' hair and nail clipping for his secret shrine of her.

You know they use that stuff for voodoo, right? She can put some bad jou jou (sp?) on you!