Paternity test before the rest

By Anonymous - 26/01/2021 23:01 - United States

Today, after always laughing when my mom told me to avoid dating any guy with green eyes and thinking it was some weird prejudice, she told me the truth. My father cheated and had at least six other kids. They all have green eyes and look alike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 020
You deserved it 69

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What color are your eyes? By your moms logic my siblings and I should never have had kids. My dads been dead 15 years were STILL finding siblings! My mom wasn't any better.

Geezzz!! SIX children by other women and she took him back every time? Man, that is seriously ****** up.


What color are your eyes? By your moms logic my siblings and I should never have had kids. My dads been dead 15 years were STILL finding siblings! My mom wasn't any better.

Wtf? It sounds like some magic easter egg hunt. "Hey guys!! I found another one! Way out in Wisconsin!"

Geezzz!! SIX children by other women and she took him back every time? Man, that is seriously ****** up.