Parenting styles may differ…

By Anonymous - 21/03/2022 16:01 - United States - Santa Rosa

Today, it was my first day at my new high school. I put on a tiny bit of makeup, just some mascara, to feel more confident. I got in the car and my mom started yelling about how horrible my makeup is, basically calls me a slut for wearing it, and makes me take it off. I ended up crying in the bathroom on my first day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 142
You deserved it 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yahok 3

Hey my dear. I’m so sorry your mom said that to you. I think that she is misplacing her anger and potentially past traumas onto you. The word **** is outdated and I don’t feel really exists as woman have the right to be sexual. However make up and clothes don’t make you a “****”. No one not even a parent should ever speak to a child like that. I hope you are able to mentally protect yourself from that behaviour. High school is a very fun and challenging time of life and I hope you make some amazing and supportive friends! Sending you positive vibes. (Also sneak mascara to school and baby wipes to wipe it off haha) that’s what me and my girlfriend used to do!

My mom ruined more than one school day for me before it even started with yelling at me about stupid shit. iv cried in the school bathroom in 1st period more than once. I do hope your mom stops being shitty, but if not just do everything to get your ducks in a row and get the **** out as soon as you turn 18. But don't listen to her, mascara and cloths are not things that make you a ****. **** is a bs term to try to shame ppl where there shouldn't be shame. do you and do what you need to to survive high school and having a crap mom.


yahok 3

Hey my dear. I’m so sorry your mom said that to you. I think that she is misplacing her anger and potentially past traumas onto you. The word **** is outdated and I don’t feel really exists as woman have the right to be sexual. However make up and clothes don’t make you a “****”. No one not even a parent should ever speak to a child like that. I hope you are able to mentally protect yourself from that behaviour. High school is a very fun and challenging time of life and I hope you make some amazing and supportive friends! Sending you positive vibes. (Also sneak mascara to school and baby wipes to wipe it off haha) that’s what me and my girlfriend used to do!

My mom ruined more than one school day for me before it even started with yelling at me about stupid shit. iv cried in the school bathroom in 1st period more than once. I do hope your mom stops being shitty, but if not just do everything to get your ducks in a row and get the **** out as soon as you turn 18. But don't listen to her, mascara and cloths are not things that make you a ****. **** is a bs term to try to shame ppl where there shouldn't be shame. do you and do what you need to to survive high school and having a crap mom.