Leave me alone

By Anonymous - 15/06/2022 18:00

Today, I kindly asked my irate mother to respect my boundaries and to find other outlets for her frustration. Instead of responding AT ALL to what I had asked, she yelled at me for an hour about a completely unrelated political documentary she'd seen on YouTube, and then didn't apologize for her outburst. Typical. FML
I agree, your life sucks 873
You deserved it 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You need to yell back, "Trump lost, Ma! He ******' lost! There was no fraud that would have changed anything, and most instances of fraud were committed by Trump people." Don't let your mother push you around!

AzraelAngelus 15

Go no contact it really does help


AzraelAngelus 15

Go no contact it really does help

Tough situation! Obviously if you are old enough and can afford to do so you could get your own place or share a place with roommates. Assuming that’s not an option the best you can do is be insistent but respectful and tell Mom that you need certain boundaries - Which it sounds like you are doing. Unfortunately we do not get to choose our parents. You are stuck with the ones you have. OP sounds like a sensible and mature person and I hope they manage to find a workable accommodation with Mom or can get their own place. By the way , if you do get your own place - Never, ever let mom have a key. A lot of FML’s have started with Mom showing up unannounced…

First chance you get, get the hell out of there and don’t talk to her again unless she can prove she’s gotten professional help.

You need to yell back, "Trump lost, Ma! He ******' lost! There was no fraud that would have changed anything, and most instances of fraud were committed by Trump people." Don't let your mother push you around!