
By wingless_angel_7 - 02/12/2010 23:43 - United States

Today, I was online and I saw a friend that I hadn't talked to in two years come online. I IM'ed him, only for him to respond, "I haven't responded to any messages of yours in over a year. Most people would get the hint." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 792
You deserved it 8 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xundria 5

Sounds like a good friend. Move on.

FYLDeep 25

Hint, hint, he wants you to burn down his house. Hint, hint, hint.


Yeah, this guy sounds like a real passive-aggressive douchebag. You're better off without that kind of "friend" anyway.

maybe you had some sort of trojan... a lot of them make you message people on IMs.

Zombie65 0

yea well most people would :-|

HaileyHAVOC 0

haha. I think he is as well... send him a package with a bunch of different rocks that remind you of him.

franwins0827 7

Wow, what a douche. I'd have responded with, "Well, if that's how you really felt why didn't you just block me, genius?" And then block him. ;-)

ladiiie_dreamer 0

well atleast yeew got the hint now.. && yeew knw not to write too him anymore..