Odd one out

By fun_gal - 25/03/2020 17:00

Today, my family said that we're all in this together, so I headed over to their house before the stay-at-home orders go into effect. When I arrived, my brother came out to stop me in the driveway to say they were practicing social distancing. From me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 802
You deserved it 220

Same thing different taste

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Dick's also a professor AND a member of the Men's Hair Club. Obviously, you're new here on FML....

OP, I've got a spare bedroom for you here in the Upper Midwest of the US! :-D


With a name like Fungal, I can see why your family wants to avoid you. At this time, their shunning of you might be a blessing.

dancingcats 5

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Dick's also a professor AND a member of the Men's Hair Club. Obviously, you're new here on FML....

Marcella1016 31

Eh he was making a pun and a ridiculous joke like he does on every FML. I admire his persistence. Lighten up. I could be biased though because I love stupid puns lol. Fun girl. Fun gal. FUNGAL. Geddit?! Hahaha

Thanks, you all! I'm just trying to be a Fun Guy!😂😂😂

Marcella1016 31

PS - I also loved the Pen Dick joke. That was creatively awesome lol

You think so? I chose that name with the joke in mind.

Marcella1016 31

/whoosh haha. Glad I can finally tell my friends my mind isn’t as dirty as they all think 😂

You don't live with them. This is just them appropriately social distancing, it sucks for you but it's to keep everyone safer.

OP, I've got a spare bedroom for you here in the Upper Midwest of the US! :-D

Marcella1016 31

OP your family is just exercising an abundance of caution. I know it is probably really hurting your feelings, but if you have been going out, going to work, etc, it is possible you are a carrier who isn’t showing symptoms yet and you could get your whole family sick. That would probably make you feel much worse lol. My suggestion: wait the two week recommended quarantine period and if you show no symptoms then, ask again. Actually ask in advance so you are all on the same page. Then they may let you in. And strap in. This is going to last a loooong time. Certain powers that be are trying to lift the quarantines before Easter, but we will just see a spike in cases then and go back to quarantine. So buckle in and hunker down and try not to let this family thing make you feel bad. They are really just trying to be careful and safe for everyone.