Ninja move

By kiran - 24/10/2009 04:19 - United States

Today, I went to the post office. As I entered the building, my car alarm went off. Thinking I'd accidentally pressed the alarm on my keys, I shut it off without looking. When I returned to my car, the passenger window was demolished and my purse with all my money was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 070
You deserved it 39 635

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI on two counts: For just shutting off the alarm without looking. And for leaving your purse in sight in the first place. Idiot.

Why wouldn't you have just taken your purse with you? I always take my purse with me, because I'm always afraid someone's going to steal it!


why would you leave your purse in the car?

asshole tax for leaving ur purse in the car & not treating the car alarm like,say i dunno...A FRICKEN CAR ALARM!

Who in their right mind leaves their purse with money in it in their car? Cars aren't a safe. Stuff Will get stolen. It's not like they can't see through the windows and see if there is any goodies they want

gatorgirl7563 22

YDI for leaving your purse in the car. My God, even if you take your wallet and leave your purse which holds only tissues and lipstick, burglars don't know that and will still break into your car.