By Anonymous - 19/10/2018 06:00 - United States

Today, my wife went into the bathroom at Walmart. Being almost sure there was no one else in there, I stood around the corner to scare her. As the door opened, I jumped around the corner and scared an innocent woman to so badly she peed herself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 247
You deserved it 3 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a f... her life, not yours. You said it yourself: you were ALMOST sure. Simply don't do things like that.

"This week on 'Weird Things in Walmart', Stan frightens an innocent woman so badly she pees herself, a man who self-identifies as a tree stands tall in the parking lot, and local misfit Rebecca the Redneck flashes the staff hoping for a discount on budget booze. Tune in tonight at 9/8c."


"This week on 'Weird Things in Walmart', Stan frightens an innocent woman so badly she pees herself, a man who self-identifies as a tree stands tall in the parking lot, and local misfit Rebecca the Redneck flashes the staff hoping for a discount on budget booze. Tune in tonight at 9/8c."

That is a f... her life, not yours. You said it yourself: you were ALMOST sure. Simply don't do things like that.

On the upside, she no longer needs the bathroom. You probably saved her a good five minutes.

How would you pee yourself if you already went to the bathroom? I mean, she was JUST in there 😂

Was she going to or coming from the toilet?? If she's just been how could she have anything to wet herself haha

I'm more confused how someone with the logic and judgment of a five year old got married.

Lua96 6

Reminds me of a friend of mine. We went somewhere in a group, but when we left, about half of us took the elevator, the other half (including him) the stairs. It was already pretty late, so I think we were the only patrons left, and definitely the only ones in the elevator. Unbeknownst to the stair-group, however, a security guard also ended up entering the elevator as we made our way down. Luckily, he took in in stride when my friend jumped out to scare us once the doors opened, but we'll never let him live it down.

She peed herself from the initial fright. Then, he said, “Oh, I thought you were my wife!” After that, she shit herself from disgust.

Totally surprised at how many people don't realize that your bladder doesn't completely empty when you pee. It's annoying when I have a cold and I use the washroom then cough so hard I pee myself. When the cough is bad I will wear a pad for this reason

EveryDisaster 11

Lmao she should have pissed already not your fault