
By ChubbyButt - 16/01/2013 10:48 - Canada - Brampton

Today, I was at the doctor's for a regular check-up. When my appointment was over and I was about to walk out, she yelled across the room in front of everyone, "Oh and if you could lose some weight, that'd be great." FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 104
You deserved it 7 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments


On the bright side, it could have been worse. She could have yelled at you about using some cream to get rid of an embarrassing rash. Seriously though, it was extremely unacceptable to do something that would obviously make you so uncomfortable. Either try finding a new doctor that's a bit more sensitive, or tell her that what she did was inappropriate. Even if she's your doctor you can still stand up for yourself.

Maybe she's into you, but she has a no fatties policy. I'd say its worth a shot

theneatoburrito 8

Am I the only one who is extremely agitated by the grammatical and structural errors in this FML?

perdix 29

Lawsuit! Oh, wait, I see you are in Canada, so here we see how Socialized Medicine allows people to be treated like cattle, or so the American medical-industrial-complex would have us believe.

Why do people sue for everything nowadays?

perdix 29

#19, because it's an easy way to get free money, and your odds are better than the lottery.

18- That's not a result of socialized medicine. That doctor is just an asshole.

perdix 29

#51, I'm being facetious. Here, we get bombarded with propaganda to maintain our inefficient system. We pay twice as much for outcomes that are not as good. The people and the technology of our health-care system are great here, but it's our way of financing it that is unjust, corrupt, wasteful and barbaric.

Lant 6

Why stress people out with politics when they are trying to relax and read fmls :(

Oh if only you lived In the great state of united. Here we may think that queen Elizabeth is Elton John but at least you can sue for stuff like that.

And you consider that a good thing somehow? Suing a doctor for an insensitive remark? Please explain how you think OP is entitled to compensation for this. If you can't, I'll sue you for something just as stupid and frivolous.

Agreed with Doc. You think suing for everything is actually a good thing? What the hell happened to actually talking it out and trying to resolve things the mature, adult way?

aalijahraj 10

Cow are sisters with cows Isn't it DocBastard

perdix 29

#25, not because the remark was insensitive, butt because it was a blatant violation of the patient's privacy to yell that advice across a crowded room. It's not as if everyone in the room couldn't take one look at the OP's ginormous ass and come up with the same advice, butt (there I go again) health-care professionals are bound to a certain code of conduct. Violate those codes with impunity and they become meaningless.

#39 But is it really a remark worth suing for? Is it even a breach of confidentiality? The remark isn't telling anyone anything they didn't already know. Sure, it's a stupid thing to do, but at least half of your patients are overweight, and if you don't connect feelings of shame to being overweight it's easy to let such a remark slip. Is it worth suing for? Only if you want passive physicians who just tries to keep patients happy and cover their asses.

Perdix, there's no breach of confidentiality in what this doctor did. Making a stupid remark like that is just that - stupid. No sensitive information was leaked.

perdix 29

#78, I don't think any lawyer would take the case. The amount of damage was so trifling that it wouldn't be worth anyone's time. The doctor should be reprimanded for poor conduct.

Tell her to lose her goddamn rude attitude and insensitiveness! Yeeesh people like that make me wanna place my boot where the sun don't shine

Jordath_Fil 11

Perhaps you should lose some weight, no? ;)

Draxanoth 15

Damn, this doc.....*puts on glasses*Is a bastard!

154rct 7