Alexa, play "Unhappy Birthday" by The Smiths

By Anonymous - 24/03/2022 14:00 - Germany

Today, it's my birthday. I spent the day doing nothing but chores, amongst which baking my own birthday cake. I was then so exhausted that I couldn't even stand my own company, so I ate the cake alone on the couch, watching TV. It didn’t taste great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 967
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor you. Next year, don't do it all alone; hire a maid to clean your house, go to a bakery for the cake, and have some good food delivered. You deserve it.


Poor you. Next year, don't do it all alone; hire a maid to clean your house, go to a bakery for the cake, and have some good food delivered. You deserve it.