Mommy knows best?

By Mamasboyhater - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend of 4 years broke up with me because his mom told him to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 173
You deserved it 5 710

Top comments


yourkiddingright_fml 0

Count your blessings, you just escaped from having a mother-in-law from hell!

hmm momma boy has to go back to sucking his daddys penis

frenchie45 0

deeaamm!!! he sounds like a pussyy!! ydi for dating a fag!!

well ydi 1. if that's even true there's got to be a good reason she would want him to dump you and a good reason for him to go with it... 2. if it's not, there's got to be a good reason why he dumped sorry, you lose either way

confuzzledbylife 0

OMG! I would've died. I feel soo sorry for you.

WilliamRTW 0

Okay, you girls are ******* dumb as he'll!? no guy would dump anyone because of someone telling them to. the simple answer is it was a excuse and op, your stupid for believing he did because his mom told him to. ******* dumb ass ;)